Our Workshops
The Stakeholder Jungle. And You Are Tarzan!
Have you ever been in a meeting and some “VIP” makes a comment or raises an issue and you think, “Where the hell did that come from?” or “We’re not even discussing that! Why bring that up?”. And this might lead to the next thought, “How am I supposed to respond to that? Or should I just ignore it?”
This workshop helps you address exactly these kinds of situations! You will gain an insight on how others think, as well as how you yourself think.
With this understanding, the questions above will be changed to, “Ah! I know where that question is coming from. I don’t have to freak out or be so testy.” And this will lead to, “This response will help to put his/her mind at ease.”
Would this skill be beneficial to you and your team?
This workshop is available as a Virtual Class as well!
Contact us to learn more!
The Proposal
Have you ever submitted a proposal and lost? Worse still, have you ever submitted a proposal and won, then lost money during the implementation of the solution?! This 3-day workshop offers an in-depth look at the entire tendering process, at the proposal preparation method, and to overall prepare yourself to negotiate with the client as part of the proposal presentation.
Stop Fighting? How?
According to a report commissioned by CPP Inc, U.S. employees spend 2.1 hours per week involved with conflict, which amounts to approximately USD359 billion in paid hours (based on an average hourly earnings of USD17.95), or the equivalent of 385 million working days! According to the Conference Board of Canada, unmanaged or unresolved conflict contributes to employee absenteeism that cost the Canadian economy an estimated CAD16.1 billion in 2012!
What is it costing your organization?
The CPP study also uncovered a significant variance between managers’ appraisal of their own ability to manage conflict and the observations of the employees under them. Nearly one-third of managers (31 percent) feel they’re skilled at dealing with conflict. However, only slightly more than one-fifth of employees (22 percent) feel that their managers deal with conflict well.
You want to fix this? Contact us!
Basic Project Management
A workshop targeted at helping participants have a understanding of the basics of project management. The focus is on participants who are looking at going into project management, and project managers who have had no formal training in project management.
Advanced Project Management
Focused on participants who already have a working experience with the fundamental project techniques and are looking to gain an insight to the higher aspects of project management, including leadership skills and the techniques to build team effectiveness.
Preparation for Project Management Professional Certification
This program aims to prepare Project Managers to sit for the certification examination. The program goes beyond the theoretical to include practical, hands-on experiences to better enhance the learning.
Enhancing Scientific Impact
Does your organization have an R&D Department? Do you feel there is a disconnect between your R&D team and your Commercial team? Does it seem that at times they seem to have opposing goals?
“Enhancing Scientific Impact” is a series of workshops designed to infuse the R&D Scientist with a Consumer Mindset. Through this series of workshops, R&D CONTRIBUTION COULD INCREASE COMMERCIAL VALUE-ADDED BY UP TO 15 TIMES!
The modules will be fully customized to incorporate your organization's and industry's processes and practices.